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Many vegans stung by curiosity, and perhaps by a certain nostalgia for a flavor that no longer appears in their diet, are the first to look for this salt to season their dishes. Egg-less potato tortillas are the first to benefit from this portentous salt.
Where does Himalayan black salt come from?
This volcanic salt, like the well-known pink Himalayan salt, comes from the mines of Khewra (Pakistan) and is very popular both in its country of origin and in neighbouring India. In these regions they usually taste it with the fruit, although this cocktail does not like too much to the western palates.
And why does it smell and taste like fried eggs? The answer lies in hydrogen sulphide. This element is the naughty elf that makes this peculiar taste possible. The truth is that, apart from its peculiar taste of fried egg, it is a product that should not be missed, as it provides us with iron, sulphur or magnesium, among other nutrients. However, one of its major advantages is that it does not contain as much sodium as conventional salts and, therefore, it becomes the best option for hypertensive people.
A thousand and one benefits
This product, also called Kala Namak, black salt, Sulemani Namak or Kala loon, is an unrefined rock mineral salt to which countless benefits have been attributed. We review below some of them quickly, without wanting to be exhaustive, (it does not give us the post for such a virtue):
It is considered a natural laxative. But there seems to be much more, because our entire digestive system comes out winning with that salt: it helps combat flatulence, improves digestion, heartburn and relieves abdominal bloating.
It is also very suitable for athletes since the high presence of magnesium prevents muscle cramps and spasms.
It regulates the level of sugar in the blood.
As it is low in sodium, it reduces tension.
It prevents the retention of liquids that many people suffer from an excess of salt (normal) in their diet.
There are those who have given a twist to the black salt because it also has excellent skills for cosmetics. So, bathing time can become the best time to enjoy the benefits of Himalayan black salt on your skin. In fact, it works very well for cracked and swollen feet, athlete's foot, warts and even sprains.
That said, how do we eat it? You don't have to be great virtuosos or virtuosas in the kitchen to taste this salt: a few chips dressed with black salt, a purée, a pasta salad or simply a few slices of toasted bread with olive oil and salt serve to enjoy the egg that is savoured but not seen. In short, in the world of culinary possibilities offered by Himalayan black salt, the sun does not set!
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